
Create/Update/Get contacts within your tenant.

Create contact

POST https://app.ninjapipe.com/v1/contacts/create

Creates a new contact in your tenant.

Make sure to add API_KEY as a header. This is your API Key found in the API & Integrations page.

Request Body

Update a contact



Get all contacts



  • only_body = true - This will send the body without the status/content/message format

  • page - You can paginate with this parameter starting from 0. Increment and send this to fetch pages

  • rows_per_page - You can define how many contacts will be returned with each page above

Get contact

Search contact

You can search for contacts using the following API.



  • search_term - Send any keyword you'd like to search. The search API matches first and last names, emails and phone numbers.

  • only_body - Sends only the body of the result and avoids the status and message in the response

Delete contact

Currently, deleting a contact is not supported via the API. You may use the web or mobile platform to initiate a contact deletion

Last updated