👤Order Customer

Create/Update/Get orders

Before you start

Orders are any sales-related orders placed by your customers that you would like to track in NinjaPipe Sales dashboard.

You can also import your existing contacts from the CRM as customers. Contacts in the CRM and the customers in your sales are two separate entities. However, you can always import contacts from the CRM as a customer via the import API.

Import from CRM

Use this API to import an existing contact from the CRM to the sales dashboard as a sales customer.

POST https://app.ninjapipe.com/v1/customers/import

Create customer

POST https://app.ninjapipe.com/v1/customers/create

Creates a new sales order customer in your tenant.

Request Body

Update a customer


Get customer


Get all customers


Delete customer

Currently, deleting a customer is not supported via the API. You may use the web or mobile platform to initiate a deletion

Last updated