Organization & Accounts
Create an account
To get started on NinjaPipe, you’ll need to first create an organization and enter your company details. You will need to enter your company or team name and choose a company URL that’s unique on the platform. This will be the company’s unique name which you and your team members will be prompted with when logging in. You will not be able to select a URL that another company has already taken.

Understanding Tenants
NinjaPipe uses a tenant-based account system. Which means, accounts are organization-specific. You can have multiple email addresses in different NinjaPipe organizations but have 1 email associated with 1 organization only.
The tenant/organization name you choose on the registration page will be allocated for your business and you can always access that via:
Optionally, you can also configure your own CNAME if you would like to use your custom domain. Refer to this article to set it up.
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